massage therapy & health Coaching - cancer

Whether you’ve just received a new diagnosis of cancer, you’re in treatment or remission or you’re looking to reduce your risks of getting cancer because of a family history of it health coaching and massage therapy could be a helpful choice for you.

Oncology massage is massage therapy for people that are going through cancer treatment as well as those with a history of cancer. Each treatment is designed around the specific needs of the client. Modifications to pressure, treatment length and site restrictions for bone metastases, medical equipment and fragile skin are used to ensure treatment is safe for anyone. Positioning modifications are also made depending on what each clients needs to be comfortable and how mobile he or she is.There are many benefits to having massage therapy while in treatment, be it chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety, pain, and immobility caused by scarring from surgery. It has also been shown to help improve a person’s appetite and range of motion. There are also emotional benefits to massage therapy including decreased anxiety, improved body image and decreased depression, to name a few.

I have taken oncology massage courses that examine metastasis, symptom relief, safety essentials and unstable tissue as well as hands on treatments of people recovering from cancer and the treatments involved. I have also studied myofascial release and scar massage.

Health coaching helps in a different way.  Your coach is there to help you focus on what matters most to you, whether it’s improving your fitness, going back to work, treatment options or end of life care. We help by empowering and encouraging you to to take charge of your own health and we’re there with you while you develop your plan to achieve your goals. We help you to see your values and strengths and figure out how those also fit in your plan.

If you would like to be put on my waiting list for oncology massage therapy contact me by e-mail at

If you have any questions regarding health coaching contact me by e-mail at

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