massage therapy for infants and children

Infant massage is most commonly given by parents and other loved ones. It’s a wonderful opportunity to bond and have quality time together. Usually, massage for this group is performed by an RMT when there is something specific going on like an injury, digestive problems or if the child has one of a variety of conditions that require more experienced touch. Sometimes, parents just want their baby to have a massage with an RMT or they’re lacking the confidence to massage their baby.

Whether from a parent or an RMT massage has many potential benefits for infants. Massage may stimulate circulatory and digestive symptoms as well as mind and body awareness. It can reduce pain and discomfort from constipation and growing pains. It can also be very calming and it’s a great thing to incorporate into a bedtime routines.

When treating infants and children I will often demonstrate some techniques that the parents can use on their children and give them homework when appropriate.

Massage for children is for toddlers up to teens. Often times, when we think of stress we think it’s something only adults have but stress can happen during all of the stages of life. Massage is a wonderful way to reduce stress in children and teens, just like it is for adults. In fact, massage has the same benefits for children as it does for adults including reduced anxiety, reducing or eliminating pain, increased joint range of motion, increased circulation and lymphatic drainage. It can help with injuries such as sprains and strains, gastrointestinal disorders, pain, stress, anxiety and depression as well as a number of other conditions.

The most important thing to remember regarding massage for infants and children is to follow their cues, whether it’s watching their body language or listening to their words.

If you’re wondering if massage therapy can help your child you can to e-mail me at

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